Could La Rochelle at 57 West 75th Street be Haunted?


La Rochelle, 57 West 75 Street


I was just doing some research on the Upper West Side and stumbled upon an unusual tidbit about the suicide, in 1898, of Christopher R. Robert who built La Rochelle at 57 West 75 Street. It sort of stunned me somewhat because this is the same building where killer nanny Yoselyn Ortega stabbed two little children to death on October 25, 2012.

A New York Times article states:

"Designed in 1895 by Lamb & Rich, this unusual apartment house was built by an investor, Christopher R. Robert, who occupied an apartment on the second floor as soon as it was completed, apparently in 1896. (For unexplained reasons, Mr. Robert shot himself in his apartment in early 1898. The New York Times reported the value of his estate at $30 million.)"

Am posting some of the original articles about Christopher Robert's sudden suicide. He was described as being "insane for several days prior to his suicide." Both Robert's suicide and Ortega's suicide attempt after inexplicably stabbing her two young charges Leo Krim, age 2 and his sister Lulu Krim, age 6 happened on the same floor -- and possibly even the same second floor apartment.


Researched and Written by Kirby Sommers
