Rent smart. Move less. Be happy.
Why rent a lemon when you can rent a problem free home?
Kirby Sommers is the only renters’ advocate for apartment hunters in New York City or anywhere within the United States.
First, getting to know you.
Does your wishlist correlate to reality in the rental market? Photos on a generic website can be deceiving. Be prepared.
Second, let’s plan.
Traditional brokers will tell you, “Don’t start looking until it’s 30 days before your move-in date.” WRONG. The good finds go first. Let’s start 45-60 days before.
No tag along broker.
We select a ‘Go See’ date for you. You go view your hand selected apartments. Apply. Get approved same day. Sign lease next day.
Be happy. Rent better.
Soon you will send a review like these:
“I could not be more satisfied with Kirby’s AptStar Program. The whole experience was phenomenal.”
“You’ll be esctatic you made the decision to let Kirby Sommers help you via her Aptstar Program. I know I am.”
“The AptStar Program is a no brainer. Kirby is incredibly helpful, knowledgeable and bats only for you.”